About Lisa.
Lisa Frenkel Riddiough was a slow reader as a child and found it difficult to concentrate on almost all required reading. When given the choice, Lisa picked books with pictures and lots of white space, and always stories with animals. As a children’s book author, Lisa strives to make her books accessible to this type of reader. In her opinion, it is perfectly OK to choose a book that is short, has a large font, and plenty of illustrations!
Lisa has an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Hamline University. Her critical thesis was titled, It’s Not Just Talk: How Empathy Elevates When Talking Animals Exist in Contemporary Human Settings – Middle-Grade. In this study, she paid specific attention to the ways in which literary animal and human characters struggle to communicate with one another. It is in this struggle that common ground can be found, ultimately bringing understanding to the characters and expanded empathy to the reader.
Lisa is based in Northern California where she lives with her husband in their empty nest. In addition to writing middle-grade, Lisa writes picture books and “grown-up” short stories and essays. When she is not writing, Lisa enjoys working in the garden, sipping on half-caf iced mochas, and organizing her sprinkle drawer.
She is represented by Jennifer Mattson of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
About Lisa.
Lisa Frenkel Riddiough has an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Hamline University. Her critical thesis was titled, It’s Not Just Talk: How Empathy Elevates When Talking Animals Exist in Contemporary Human Settings – Middle-Grade. In this study, she paid specific attention to the ways in which animal and human characters struggle to communicate with one another. In addition to writing middle-grade, Lisa writes picture books and “grown-up” short stories and essays.
Lisa’s debut middle-grade novel, ELVIS AND THE WORLD AS IT STANDS, is forthcoming by Abrams Books for Young Readers (Fall 2021). She has a couple of picture books under contract as well and is anxiously awaiting those announcements. Lisa is grateful that a side-effect of writing is forced patience. She has always wanted to be a patient person.
Lisa is based in Northern California where she lives with her husband in their empty nest. When she is not writing, Lisa enjoys working in the garden, sipping on half-caf iced mochas, and organizing her sprinkle drawer.
She is represented by Jennifer Mattson of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency.
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